Join us at The Venue Banquets to help raise money for all our High School and Middle School Athletes. All proceeds from the evening go to Tallmadge Athletic Boosters and our efforts to create great experiences and opportunities for our Athletes.
We need volunteers! Receive dinner on us for helping out. Sign up here
When: Sat Nov 23, 2024 5:30pm
Where: The Venue Banquet Center
$190/Couple & Buybacks

$150 / Couple
$100/Individual & Buyback
$80 / Individual
$50 / Can't Attend
Buyback gives you a second chance when your number is drawn. Limit 1 per ticket
Doors open
| 5:30pm
| 6:30pm
| 7:00pm
Main Board Raffle worth $2500+
Side Board Raffles
Silent Auction Baskets
Live Auction including
Play call 1st Home Football Game​
50/50, Chuck-A-Luck and more​
Reserve a table now to guarantee your group sits together.
Ticket includes Dinner, Main Board Reverse Raffle Ticket and Open bar (beer, wine & mid-shelf liquor)
We're also accepting baskets/donations for our Auctions. An easy way to promote your business and help our cause. Please email tallmadgeboosters@gmail.com or text Eric 330.612.5960 for more information or to schedule a pickup.
No product
Reserve a table for 8
- Entry tickets sold separately
No product
Table Sponsor
- Your company logo (8x10") displayed on a table
- Included in the event program
- Logo included in the Photo Booth
No product
Main Board Sponsor
- Your logo on the Main Stage
- Special recognition in event program
- Larger logos in Photo Booth
- Announcements during the event
- Included in all event messaging
No product
Bar Sponsor
- Your logo on the Bar
- Special recognition in the event program
- Logo in the Photo Booth
- Announcements during the event
No product
Photo Booth Sponsor
- Designated signage in Photo Booth
- Special recognition in the event program
- Announcements during the event